Federal Funds
NISD's ESSER III and Federal Use of Funds Plan
Northwest ISD’s Allocation
- ESSER I - $779,579
- ESSER II – $3,297,546
- ESSER III - $4,937,213 // $7,405,820
The federal government has approved nearly $18 billion in federal relief funds for Texas public schools. The relief funds are meant to help schools recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. View the presentation of the NISD School Board update on ESSER spending.
ESSER III - Northwest ISD Use of Funds Plan
Northwest ISD is allocated $4,937,213 in ESSER III funding to use through September 2024. The final 1/3 of the funds are to be distributed contingent upon approval by the US Department of Education. At least 20% of those funds ($1,481,164 for NISD) must be used to address learning loss through evidence-based interventions. Northwest ISD’s ESSER III use of funds plan was developed following staff and community input, as well as a stakeholder survey.
- Additional English/Language Arts positions to support student learning loss
- Math positions to address Tier III learning needs
- Additional counselors to support mental health and academic needs
- Student Support Facilitators to support student 504 and RtI needs
- Intervention Specialist to support students
- Continuity of services
View Northwest ISD's application and program schedules PS3013 and PS3014.
Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
As COVID continues to be a challenge for Northwest ISD and our communities, the district is taking efforts to help maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and staff. Our prevention and mitigation strategies are reviewed and updated periodically by our Health & Safety Committee, District Education Improvement Council, and Faculty Advisory Committee. Our current strategies are available in the Health and Safety Protocols.
Title I $492,981 Funding Plan
Goal is to supplement (not supplant) state and local funding to ensure students from low-income families succeed academically
- Title 1 Intervention Specialist
- Title 1 Instructional Aides
- Parenting Education
Title II $260,510* Funding Plan
Aims to improve teacher and principal quality through recruitment and professional development.
- RtI Coordinator
- ESL training and resources to support ESL certified teachers
- Instructional materials for targeted professional development
*NISD shares this grant with two private non-profit schools.
Title III $179,206 Funding Plan
Aims to improve and enhance the education of English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant students by helping them attain English proficiency and meet state academic achievement standards.
- EL/Bilingual Instructional Coach
- EL/Bilingual PAT/Language Testing paraprofessional
- Parent English Classes
- Parenting Education
Title IV $71,482* Funding Plan
The overarching goal of Title IV, Part A, is to increase the capacity of state education agencies, local educational agencies (LEAs), campuses, and communities to meet the following three goals:
- Provide all students access to a well-rounded education.
- Improve academic outcomes by maintaining safe and healthy students.
- Improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement.
- Multiple Summer Enrichment Camps (Camp Invention, Camp Pursuit, & Young Scholars)
- Instructional resources to support Social-Emotional Learning needs
- AP exams
- Practical Parent Education Curriculum & Training
- OnRamps courses
- SEL resources
*NISD shares this grant with two private non-profit schools.
Carl D. Perkins $96,726 Funding Plan
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act provides federal support to CTE programs that provide students the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to succeed in the today’s competitive marketplace.
- Free industry credentials, student transportation, uniforms
- Specialized contracted services
- New CTE courses for middle school students
- Industry equipment
- Curriculum and professional learning
IDEA B $3,398,454 Funding Plan
Provide special education and related services to children with disabilities ages 3–21.
- Diagnosticians
- Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Special Education Teacher
- Special Education Paraprofessional
- Job Coach
- Contract evaluation staff
IDEA B Preschool $28,244 Funding Plan
Provide special education and related services to children with disabilities ages 3–5.
- Early Childhood Special Education Paraprofessional