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Meetings and Agendas

Next School Board Meeting

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6:30 pm
NISD Board Room


  • January 13
  • February 10 and 25
  • March 10
  • April 7 and 21
  • May 5 and 19
  • June 9 and 23

Meeting Procedures

Northwest ISD Board meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Board Room at the Administration Building (2001 Texan Drive, Justin).

With public notice, Trustees also hold special meetings and work sessions as needed. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.

Within the limits of the Texas Open Meetings Act, parts of the board meetings may be closed to the public for topics including, but not limited to, these: real estate transactions, personnel matters, student hearings, and legal matters.

Board Business

A typical board agenda includes special reports and routine business such as personnel matters and bids. Business may also include reports from the administrative staff and first and second readings of board policies. Visitors may obtain copies of the agenda at the sign-in table before the meeting begins.

Public Participation


Meeting Location

NISD Administration Building
Board Room
2001 Texan Drive
Justin, TX 76247