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DEIC Minutes - May 14, 2024



May 14, 2024

Dr. Michael Griffin, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. and welcomed everyone. She briefly went over the agenda that will be discussed.

The meeting was attended by:

Ashley Anthony - Chisholm Trail Middle

Monty Brown - Special Programs Center

Kayla Caprio - Lance Thompson Elementary

Jennifer Casey- Sendera Ranch Elementary 

Madeleine Doud - Berkshire Elementary 

Sandra Dougherty - Carter Elementary 

Cody Drake - Clara Love Elementary

Mark Foust - Superintendent  

Missy Hutson - Human Resources 

Shana Jackson - Administration  

Jamie Jensen - Cox Elementary 

 Al Jernigan - Adams Middle School

Heidi Kaminski - Medlin Middle School

Michelle Keogh - Byron Nelson High

Britney Nichols - Schluter Elementary 

Amber Olson - Daniel Elementary 

Allison Palislamovic - Beck Elementary 

Mandy Smiley - Haslet Elementary 

Shannon Sprowls - Granger Elementary 

Jennifer Washam - Justin Elementary 

Nicole Young - Curriculum  

Administrative (Non-Voting)  Personnel

Kim Barker - Administration

Cindy Bauter - Administration

Kim Becan - Administration

Cara Carter - Administration

Lacy Denman - Administration

Melissa Desimone - Administration

Eric Drewery - Administration

Micah Gierkey - Administration

Michael Griffin - Administration

Chris Hill - Administration

Christie Hobbs - Administration

Tim McClure - Administration

Jonathan Pastusek - Administration

Kitty Poehler - Administration

Angela Scott - Administration

Anthony Tosie - Administration

Kasey Williams - Administration

Dr. Stephanie Espinosa, Executive Director for Teaching and Learning presented the Professional Learning plan for 2024-2025 school year.  Many factors contributed to determining the professional learning goals for next year. We took feedback from listening sessions, surveys, Professional Learning Advisory Committee, classroom visits, teacher requests, principal feedback and other data sources.  We want to align our professional learning with our new district strategic goals.  Adjustments have been made to summer professional development and more choices are being offered.   Over 200 learning opportunities will be offered this year at ENGAGE.  As part of Strategic Goal 2, major emphasis will be put into supporting our new teachers.  To allow more teacher planning, PLC and work time we have decreased curriculum update days from two days to one.  Our main focus is to be intentional with our time together and allow more time on your campus and in your classroom preparing for new students.  Emergent Tree Training will continue to support campuses with classroom management to support student behavior needs.  There will be changes to professional flex time requirements, allowing more options to get these days covered.  Dr.  Espinosa opened the room for questions and then asked for a vote to approve the professional learning changes.  All 21 present DEIC members voted for the changes.  All changes proposed are included in the presentation linked below.  

Micah Gierkey, Executive Director of Student Support Services presented an overview of the Federal Grant Funding for the 2024-2025 school year.  As a result of the district's needs assessment, certain areas have been identified in need of extra federal funds.  Ms. Gierkey covered the changes in Title funding.  Title I funding is in need of extra funding to support additional intervention and behavior specialists, middle school support teachers, and parenting engagement education.  Title II funding has decreased but still is supporting new teacher facilitators, behavior framework training, ENGAGE training materials, ESL certifications, and professional development material. Title III funding has decreased slightly but will still support EL/Bilingual instructional coach and testing paraprofessional, parent english classes, parting education and a community outreach event.  Title IV needs have increased to support our students' access to a well rounded education, improve academic outcomes, and improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement. Carl D. Perkins funds have decreased slightly to help our Career and Technical Educational options. IDEA B saw a big jump due to the great need for additional diagnosticians, teachers of the Deaf, Special Education teacher, special education paraprofessional, job coach, contract evaluation staff member, and early childhood paraprofessional.  Ms. Girekey closed her presentation with questions from the committee and requested all to complete a quick survey. The full presentation on the changes to the district's federal funds is linked below.  

Dr. Griffin presented an update on the end-of-year district needs assessment. The district wants to incorporate our new strategic goals in the new plans. Dr. Griffin asked the DEIC committee for their input.  This input will be compiled and used when the district develops our District Improvement Plan for the 2024-2025 school year.

Dr. Griffin reviewed the district Foreign Exchange Student Waiver. Currently, the district has a waiver request through the state limiting the number of foreign exchange students to six per year for each comprehensive high school for the next three years. All present DEIC members voted to continue with the waiver limiting our program to six students per high school.  

Jonathan Pastusek, Chief Financial Officer, presented the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election for this fall.  We have a projected budget deficit of $14,273,355.00 going into the 2024-2025 school year. In order to protect student programs, maximize compensation for our staff and protect a balanced budget the district may be asking voters for an increase of the district's tax rate.  All money from a VATRE would go directly to staff compensation and maintaining the district's high standard of programs offered to our students.  Both these areas are in jeopardy in the future if we don't receive additional funding. Mr. Pastusek opened the floor to questions from our committee members.  A full explanation of the VATRE is included in the link below. 

Dr. Foust, the Superintendent, provided closing remarks and opened the floor to any questions.

Micah Gierkey thanked everyone for their time and adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.