Legislative Affairs
Northwest ISD Legislative Priorities
Northwest ISD regularly advocates for public education to elected state officials. The NISD Board of Trustees approved the district's legislative priorities for the 89th Legislative Session in September 2024. The priorities include:
- Prioritize Public School Funding
- Increase Basic Allotment to Match Inflation
- Fully Fund Full Day Pre-K
- Increase Weighted Funding for Special Education and Bilingual Students
- Increase Transportation Funding to Match Inflation
- Fund Security Mandates Based on Local Costs
- Eliminate or Reduce Recapture
- Reform Accountability System
Northwest ISD Legislative Priorities Summary
Northwest ISD Legislative Priorities – Talking Points
Northwest ISD Legislative Priorities
Our current advocacy efforts are focused on encouraging legislators to increase the basic allotment (the funding mechanism for all Texas public schools) to $7,500. Every increase in the basic allotment automatically provides structural increases for teacher salaries, the school safety allotment, and the special education allotment and structurally decreases recapture.
As we strive to build a culture of engagement in Northwest ISD, we encourage you to engage your voice and contact your legislators.
Contact Us
Northwest ISD's legislative matters are managed by Angela Scott, public affairs coordinator. Ms. Scott can be reached via email at ascott@nisdtx.org or by phone at 817-698-0188.