Prior to assignment in the program, teachers who provide instruction and services that are a part of the program for gifted students have a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of staff development that includes nature and needs of gifted/talented students, assessing student needs, and curriculum and instruction for gifted students. (19 TAC 89.2(2))
Teachers without required training who provide instruction and services that are part of the gifted/talented program must complete the thirty (30) hour training within one semester. (19 TAC 89.2(2))
Classroom teachers who have clusters of gifted learners are required to have the 30 Clock Hours in GT and the annual 6 Hour GT Update.
The 30 Clock Hours is comprised of the following five strands:
- Nature and Needs of Gifted and Talented Learners
- Creativity and Instructional Strategies for Gifted and Talented Learners
- Differentiated Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Learners
- Identification and Assessment of Gifted and Talented Learners
- Differentiating with Depth & Complexity
For current offerings of the 30 Hours, click here.