Research Approval Requirements & Restrictions
To ensure the research project provides value to Northwest ISD, it must meet the following criteria:
Alignment with district goals.
All approved research must align with Northwest ISD’s policies, teaching and learning priorities, strategic framework, practices, programs, and services.
Proposal and objectives.
The project must have clearly stated objectives and ethical questions.
The project is based on technically sound research design and methodology.
Feasibility and impact:
The project has a reasonable timeline.
The project requires no intrusion on instructional time, regular duty time of faculty or staff, and does not interfere with the school routine.
The project explains the procedures to obtain proper consent from participants and their guardians where applicable.
All impacted parties are in agreement to participate.
Data collection and security:
The project is in compliance with state and federal laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
The application explains detailed procedures for data collection, data security, and data analysis.
The application and the consent form explain the measures taken to maintain data confidentiality and protect student and staff privacy.
Data collection must be conducted prior to Spring Break and not intrude on other assessment windows.
Data collection activities should be completed outside of school hours unless part of the normal classroom curriculum.
Video recording of students is prohibited.
Required items for submission of application:
A completed and signed application.
Make sure the proposed start date for your project is at least 45 days from the submission of your application.
Professor/Institution endorsement (letter) or Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
Copies of any instruments you will use during your study: surveys, questionnaires, interview/focus group questions,etc.
Copy of Ethics Training Certificate NIH, CITI, or any other university approved research ethics training certificate can be provided. Expired certificates will not be accepted.
Copies of consent forms.
Please note: Consent forms must acknowledge potential risks and benefits, and if no foreseeable risks or benefits are present, must include the phrase "beyond what might be experienced in everyday life."
Research involving sensitive topics such as political affiliations, mental health, sexual behaviors, illegal activities, religious practices, and employee evaluations will not be considered.
Recruitment of participants is the sole responsibility of the researcher; Northwest ISD staff time cannot be used.
Northwest ISD staff cannot be used to collect data or carry out research activities.
Researchers may not request data directly from schools or departments; all requests must go through the Research, Assessment, and Accountability department.
Researchers will not receive personally identifiable student-level data.
Research by Northwest ISD Employees
Must occur outside of normal work requirements.
Employees must not evaluate participants over whom they have authority, e.g., principals cannot collect data from their own staff to avoid conflicts of interest.