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Attendance Boundaries

The school(s) your children will attend depends on where you live within Northwest ISD. The district currently operates 23 elementary schools, seven middle schools, three high schools and an early college high school.

School Zone Locator

To assist new families in quickly and easily locating their children’s campus, Northwest ISD has launched a new school zone locator tool.

The tool presents families with a color-coded Google map featuring each school zone for the indicated campus level – elementary, middle and high. Families can also type in their address to immediately see their zoned schools by campus level as well as links for the school’s email address and website along with district enrollment and transportation information.

Families can use the new tool on any device with a web browser, as its responsive design adapts to computers, smartphones and tablets. 

School Zone Locator

NOTE: Please select the correct school year when searching for your zone.

Attendance Boundary Maps

To see campus feeder patterns, click here.

Each year, Northwest ISD opens a limited-time application for in-district transfers that are considered on a case-by-case basis. Because of their enrollment amounts, some campuses are closed to any transfers.

View Opened/Closed Campuses

For questions regarding attendance zones not answered by the previously linked boundary maps, please call 817-215-0321.