Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report broken sprinkler heads?
If we have a broken sprinkler head and water is gushing, we would like to hear from you so that we can conserve this valuable resource. To report this type of problem or concern, please call our main number at 817-215-0020.
How do I report that the School Safety Zone lights are not working correctly?
School Zone flashing lights on state maintained highways such as S.H. 114, F.M. 156, and Main Street in Roanoke are currently the responsibility of Dallas TXDOT. Our maintenance department has a contact at the Dallas Signal Shop and would be glad to call to report any problems if you would take a moment to email the details of the problem, or call us at 817-215-0020.
How do I report that the signal light on S.H. 114 is not working correctly?
The signal light on S.H. 114 is the responsibility of TXDOT. Our maintenance department will call on your behalf to request TXDOT to correct any problems if you would take a moment to email the details of the problem, or call us at 817-215-0020.
How do I report concerns with facilities that appear to have lights left on in error?
NISD has an energy management/conservation program in effect but leaves some building lights illuminated for safety concerns. NISD has a dedicated security staff that patrols our facilities and campuses and they will normally report lights cycling off schedule. If you would take a moment to email the details of your concerns, we can check into any potential problems, or call us at 817-215-0020.
How do I report an NISD vehicle driving recklessly?
NISD maintenance vehicles are white with black NISD lettering. If you have concerns with obvious unsafe driving by one of our maintenance staff, we would like you to report the details of the incident to us so that we may investigate. Please include the truck number if possible, and the location, and call us immediately at 817-215-0020.
How do I report that a school landscape looks neglected or that trash is overflowing?
It is best to report such concerns directly to the maintenance department at 817-215-0020.
What if I have concerns about a flag outside the school?
The school secretary or principal should be able to address your concerns. Maintenance is often requested to fix problems with the flagpoles, lanyards and hardware.