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Booster Clubs, PTAs & School Support Organizations


This site is designed to assist Booster Clubs, PTAs, School Support Organizations (“club(s) and/or organization(s)”) officers and members by providing organizational and financial guidance. Guidelines exist to protect an organization’s assets – volunteers, members and the organization and district name.

Only approved organizations, operating under these guidelines and Northwest Independent School District (“district and/or NISD”) policies and procedures, shall be allowed to use the school name in support of its programs. Facility use will be determined in accordance with district policies and procedures. Specific questions regarding the organization’s activity should be addressed to the campus principal.

Important: The Northwest ISD Business Office is not an authority on specific accounting situations or tax-related issues concerning individual Booster Clubs, PTAs and School Support Organizations; therefore, these organizations should obtain competent independent counsel on accounting and tax matters related to their specific circumstances.

2024-2025 Booster Clubs, PTAs and Support Organizations Guidelines

2022-2023 School Support Organization PowerPoint