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Budget Adjustment - Add New

Complete this form when additional funding sources become available. Attach documentation such as TEA Notice of Grant Award (NOGA), TEA Standard Application System (SAS), NEF Grant Award, Local Grant Letter, etc. for verification of funding source. Forward to the business office with attachments.  

For budget adjustments due to growth attach Growth Detail Form. 

Budget Adjustment - Add New

Tabulation of Cash - Deposit Form 

This form is a detailed receipt prepared for submission to the individual responsible for preparation of the bank deposit.

Tabulation of Cash - Deposit Form

Donation Acknowledgement Form

Northwest Independent School District is a public school district and is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The district is not a tax-exempt entity under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code Section 501(c)(3). However, the district is considered a tax-exempt organization that may receive charitable contributions according to the IRS Code Section 170(c)(1).

The district may receive charitable contributions if they are for public purposes, such as benefiting a group and not an individual. These charitable contributions are deductible by the donor on their tax return. 

Donation Acknowledgement Form

Fundraising/Sales Application and Financial Recap

To request permission to conduct a fundraising or sale activity, the event/activity sponsor must complete the application portion of the Fundraising/Sales Application and Financial Recap form. The principal, prior to the beginning date of the activity, must approve each activity. A Fundraising/Sales Application and Financial Recap form must be prepared for each occurrence. 

This electronic form merges the following forms into once process:

  • The Sponsor Responsibility Affidavit, which informs the activity/sale sponsor of their responsibilities.
  • The InTouch Request Form, which is used to set up items in InTouch that have been approved for collection (fees, sales, or fundraising) prior to monies being collected. 

Fundraising/Sales Application and Financial Recap

Growth Detail

For budget adjustments due to growth attach to Budget Adjustment - Add New form.

Growth Detail

Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate

Northwest ISD is exempt from the state portion of the hotel tax. The six percent state hotel tax applies to charges for sleeping accommodations, meeting rooms and banquet rooms in a hotel or motel.

Cities, authorized counties and special purpose districts levy local hotel taxes at varying rates. These taxes will be paid by the district.

Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate

Missing Receipt Form

Employees must submit this form when seeking a payment or reimbursement for an expense, for which the receipt is missing, and an itemized duplicate cannot be obtained.

Completed forms with signatures and approvals should be attached with paperwork processing a payment or reimbursement.  A separate form must be completed for each lost receipt.  This form is not intended to replace the requirement for obtaining itemized receipts. 

Habitual instances of not providing required documentation can be addressed as: the expense becoming the responsibility of the employee, reimbursement eligibility negated, and/or disciplinary action.

Missing Receipt Form

Payment Authorization

This form will be used in occurrences where the fiscal year cut-off for requisition entry has passed and payment needs to be charged to the prior fiscal year budget.

Payment Authorization

Request for Professional Development Training

Discretionary form for use at the campus/department level.

Approval for travel is required in advance by the appropriate campus/department supervisor authorizing the travel. A discretionary form for campus/department use is included in this section, for travel request approval from the supervisor.

  • Day and overnight travel meals are paid at the per diem rate as defined in the Financial Services Procedures and Activity Fund Manual. Itemized receipts are not required for meals.
  • This form is for campus/department use; however, if travel is approved with conditions, a copy should be attached to the Travel Expense Report form.

NOTE: Documentation for exceptions of eligible reimbursements for travel expenses must be submitted as part of reimbursement requests.

Request for Professional Development

Request for Reclassification of Funds

The purpose of this form is to adjust accounts due to errors in posting or to record the transfer of funds between accounts.

  • May be used by one campus/department to assist another in helping to pay for something.

  • Are used to reimburse expenses incurred or paid for by one campus/department for another campus/department.

  • Used to correct a posted transaction relating to an incorrect expenditure/deposit code.

Appropriate supporting documentation must be attached to all reclassification requests.

If the correction is initiated by business services a copy of the form and documentation will be forwarded to the affected campuses/departments.

Request for Reclassification of Funds

Startup Money/Change Fund

Funds for district sponsored activity should be obtained using the linked request form.  This form is also located within the district portal in the forms folder.

Change Fund Order

Travel Report

Day travel reimbursements for non-employees are processed using a Miscellaneous Payment Form and the Travel Report as a summary with original itemized receipts and other necessary items as supporting documentation.

Reimbursements for mileage should be processed monthly or at a minimum by calendar year end (Dec 31st) when the rates typically change, and by fiscal year end (June 30th) to record the expenses to the appropriate budget year.

  • Utilize the Travel Report form located under Forms on the Financial Services webpage. Use the appropriate tab within the workbook relating to the period of time the travel occurred.
  • Itemized receipts for parking and other eligible travel expenses must be included.
  • Mileage will be reimbursed for travel on a per mile basis. 
    • A printout from an internet mapping service documenting mileage from Point A to Point B must be included with reimbursement requests. Reimbursements are calculated based on printed documentation. A written statement or additional printout is required for any additional mileage.

The completed Travel Report with signature, date and supporting documentation is forwarded to the appropriate campus/department for budget coding and approvals and then routed to financial services for final review.

NOTE:  Overnight travel reimbursements must be submitted using the Overnight Travel Expense Report form.

Overnight Travel Expense Report 2023

Travel Report 2023

Travel Report 2024 (updated rates)

Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification

A school district is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and is, therefore, exempt from paying state sales tax.  A tax number is not required for exemption.  

Purchases by the school for educational or instructional use or for administrative use necessary to the educational function of the school are exempt from tax (office supplies, duplicating paper, etc.).

Vendors have the option of accepting a sales taxes exemption certificate from staff traveling with students for competitions/events, for the purchase of group meals.  Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification form must be presented at the time of purchase.

Individual members of the athletic team, band, etc., may not claim exemption from sales tax on the meals they purchase while on a school authorized trip.

NOTE:  Parent/teacher/support organizations and booster clubs must apply for their own exemption.

Individuals utilizing the exemption should take notice of the warning at the bottom of the certificate:

 " is a criminal offense to give an exemption certificate to the seller for taxable items that I know, at the time of purchase, will be used in a manner other than that expressed in this certificate and, depending on the amount of tax evaded, the offense may range from a Class C misdemeanor to a felony of the second degree."

Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification