Elementary 504 Meeting Guidelines
To: Parents of Elementary Section 504 Students
From: Lilia Vasquez, District 504/ At Risk Coordinator
Date: 11-20-2019
Re: 504 Review/ Reevaluation Meetings
Dear Parents:
In our continuing quest to uphold our core belief that “Kids come first,” this year, NISD has implemented new guidelines for scheduling 504 meetings. With the growth of our 504 population, we want to insure that we are able to provide support to all students who require additional accommodations. We have found that for many students, their current 504 plan is working, and while a meeting has been held in the past, no changes to the plan were needed. The law requires that we meet with each student at least every 3 years to reevaluate the student’s 504 qualification and plan. Elementary Counselors will continue to hold 504 meetings, but will move to non-yearly meetings with specific guidelines:
- Meet with all 504 students new to the campus, regardless of the grade (transfer students, for example);
- Meet with all PK, K, 1st , 3rd and 5th grade current 504 students;
- Meet with all students recently identified with an impairment or requesting a 504 evaluation, including those identified under child find;
- Meet with all students who failed the previous semester;
- Meet with all students whose parents request a meeting;
- Meet with all students who require a change in accommodations.
We ask that you help support our students by keeping communication open between yourself and our teachers and counselors. Please let us know if your child is having any difficulties of which we need to be aware. We also ask that if your child’s plan is working, rejoice in his or her accomplishments and wait until the next year when a meeting will be scheduled. Similar plans are in effect at the Secondary levels as well.
Please reach out to your child’s counselor, should you have any questions, or feel free to contact me as well.
Thank you for helping Northwest ISD keep children first.
Lilia Vasquez
District 504/ At Risk
Northwest ISD