Technology Proficiency Levels
At Northwest ISD, we believe that technology enables us to extend our reach and become more effective, relevant, and connected educators. In order to ensure that our staff is prepared to thrive in this environment, we have two technology proficiencies in place.
Proficiency 1
Foundations of Technology (FOT)— establishes a foundation of technology, exposes educators to tools we have in NISD, and provides a brief overview of what to expect in our district. This course is to be completed within one year of hire. Upon completion of this course, educators will have the foundation needed to complete the next proficiency, Technology Integration Academy.
Proficiency 2
Technology Integration Academy (TIA) — provides opportunities for educators to reflect on best practices through the use of technology. We strive to use technology as a tool that engages our students at high cognitive levels, and this course is designed to reflect that philosophy in every way. This course is to be completed within three years of hire.
All professional employees are required to complete the technology proficiency levels, including teachers, administrators, counselors, etc.