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Granger Elementary School named 2023 Texas School of Character

Granger Elementary School named 2023 Texas School of Character, a national advocate and leader for the character education movement, has named Northwest ISD’s Granger Elementary School a 2023 Texas School of Character.

The state Schools of Character program recognized Granger as a school that has demonstrated its use of character development to create a positive influence on academics, student behavior and climate.

Granger is one of only six schools in Texas to receive the designation for 2023, and just 36 nationwide have received the designation for their states. For eligibility, schools must adhere to’s 11 principles of effective character education, including providing students with opportunities for moral action, fostering shared leadership and engaging families and communities as partners in character-building efforts.

The Schools of Character application process is an opportunity for schools and districts to receive thoughtful feedback for growth and excellence in the area of character development through’s 11 principles of effective character education framework. It is also a method of recognizing exemplary schools and districts in the nation.