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Health Services

Student having her blood pressure taken.

The mission of the health services department is to provide and promote coordinated school health services for every child in Northwest ISD. Every kid, every day.

Submit shot records for NEW students here.

Submit updated shot records for RETURNING students here.

Our first priority in Northwest ISD is to keep students safe. Additionally, we assist students to be comfortable and promote a healthy lifestyle. Each campus has a full-time campus health coordinator who assesses students throughout the day to determine if complaints are urgent and/or if students are able to remain in class.

Each campus health coordinator also assists to identify and address chronic health conditions.  We also monitor immunizations, perform state-mandated health screenings and promote wellness throughout the year. Each school is equipped with a health room or clinic area designed to treat minor injuries and provide a temporary place for students to stay if they become ill at school.

Contact District Health Coordinator

Rebekkah Dellaccio-Bazley, RN, serves as the district health coordinator for Northwest ISD and oversees all school nurses. If you have a question about district health protocols or policies, email her at