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Student Records

All requests must be submitted in writing and should include:

  • Name of requestor
  • Name of the student
  • Description of the records requested

Please submit all Student Records Requests as follows:

By Email:

In Person:

Northwest ISD Administrative Building
2001 Texan Drive
Justin, TX 76247

By mail:

Northwest ISD
Public Information Request
P.O. Box 77070
Fort Worth, TX 76177

Parents may access, seek to amend, or consent to disclosure of their children's education records unless there is a court order or other legal document specifically stating otherwise, per District Policy (FL) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). When a student turns 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, the student, and not the parent, may seek to amend, and consent to disclosures of his or her education records. The District has up to 45 days after the request is received to produce the student's education records.

Please read the FERPA Annual Notice pertaining to rights and exceptions regarding student records provided by the Federal Educational and Privacy Act.


Linda Gray

Records Management Officer

817-215-0074  |