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Credit Recovery

Credit by Examination WITH Prior Instruction

Credit by examination (CBE) is available for students in grades 9 - 12 who have lost credit in courses approved by the board of trustees (Board Policy EHDB LEGAL/LOCAL).

  1. Students must have had prior formal instruction to be eligible for this CBE.
  2. Examinations that are used for credit by examination purposes must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction or the designee.
  3. For a student to receive credit by examination with prior instruction, the student must correctly answer 70% of the items on the test instrument.
  4. CBE shall not be used to gain eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities. A campus principal, counselor, and/or attendance review committee may offer a student with excessive absences an opportunity to earn credit for a course by passing a CBE. In these instances, the passing standard of 70% (see #3) shall apply.
  5. High school students should contact their counselor for additional information.
  6. Preregistration and parental approval is required.
  7. Grades earned through CBE are not included in the GPA ranking. Board Policy EIC (LEGAL/LOCAL).
  8. There is a Fee for this testing to be paid by the parents/students. After completing the online application, you may go to the district's online payment system  to process your payment. Testing cost $30.00 per test, per semester.